Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Let me be there ~ brought to you by J, K, L, M, N and O

Yesterday, I heard this song playing on the radio.

I was already feeling a bit emotional{: ( }after meeting an older lady with breast cancer at a Lymphodema education session. (It was not intended to be a sharing support meeting).

This lady mentioned how alone she felt and how many people had disappointed her. She spoke of the people, including her daughters who promised to accompany her the 100km /1 hour + journey (and then return) to radiation therapy (4-5 days a week for 6 weeks).She was let her down, often at last minute, because they couldn't be bothered. She said her appointments were too late for community transport.

Then the kicker , that her husband was dead and tomorrow (now today) was also the anniversary of his death. She said how hard is was to be doing it alone with no-one special by her side. The health care worker leading the session said lots of reassuring things . The lady lives 1.5 hrs away from our town and was just there for the education session.

It made me appreciate what I have in my own husband, not that I didn't - I'm just saying, MORE. I met another women aged 52yrs , 2 weeks ago, whose husband left her for a 30yr , as she started chemo. She was very angry and bitter though it was over 2yrs ago.

I admit I'm finding in lonely here because my network of in real life friends are 4-5hrs away.They are busy dealing with their own lives and problems. I miss seeing and being with them.

I don't dwell on those who let me down anymore, I cherish those who hold me up and message, email or ring or send snail cards. Some dear URL are holding me up too with a tweet or two. I appreciate that there are people being THERE for me.

Last night , as I tossed and turned laid awake in the middle of the night {insomnia is handy sometimes}, coincidentally these people and letters were spinning around ...

J ~ an old friend from Mr 19yr old's playgroup messaged me to say she was sorry she hadn't been in contact but she was praying for me. She said her hub of 25+ yrs had also left their marriage and she was finding it overwhelming. I appreciate her prayers.

K~ my very dear , school friend of 33yrs read my blog post mentioning I had absent friends. K , emailed me to make sure I wasn't writing about her. I wasn't. I am so touched she is taking time off work to come and stay with me while I have my next chemo on 17th August.

L~ a lovely friendship that started online over 3yrs ago. L has sent me lots of cards, via snail mail and cheery encouraging handmade cards from her daughters, now gracing my vision board. It's lovely to get things other than bills and junk mail in the letterbox. L has also been making chemo beanies for another lady's 100 beanie project.

M~ a long time friend and was my bridesmaid, rang or messaged so many times to check on me last week. Even a missed call made me smile !

M~ a liker from my Facebook page has been messaging me and answering questions about breast cancer treatment , as well as being very encouraging and supportive.

M ~ a URL > now IRL friendship that started in an infertility forum over 7yrs ago. M, also a blogger now, has been emailing me . It's lovely to reply in longer than 140 characters. It seems people hardly personally email much anymore either.

N ~ a supportive blogging friend I've yet to meet . N sent me a care package yesterday. Though I certainly don't expect gifts , it was lovely to receive something I needed. Now if I can just master the art of applying dark nail polish.

Wherever you go

wherever you may wander in your life

Surely I know I'll always wanna be there

Holding your hand and standing by to catch you when you fall

Seeing you through I ev'rything you do Let me be there in your morning

Let me be there in your night

Let me change whatever wrong and make it right

Let me take you through that wonderland

That I only two can share All I ask you is let me be there

Watching you grow And going though the changes in your life

That's how I know I'll always wanna be there

Whenever you feel You need a friend to lean on here I am

Whenever you call You know I'll be there

Let me be there ...

I'm not in a position to start new activities and make new friends due to appointments and treatments. I have 2 friends here, one is a breast cancer survivor but has multiple issues and lives 40mins away. The other is a new friendship.

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We're all here for you, Trish. All of us xxx
My recent post The third attempt
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Hi Trish,
I am so glad that there are so many people out there, supporting you. It's really sad to hear about people out there who feel let down by their loved ones, especially at such a horrible time. I am glad that you are seeing all the good things, and remaining positive,
Big hugs,
Sannah xx
My recent post Rainy Days
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Yay for great friends and supports. Thinking of you, Trish x
My recent post The Real Housewives Of Melbourne - Olympics Edition
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
You are very lucky to have a good support network. They make all the difference in our times of need :)

May they always hold you up.

1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
When life throws us spanners, it really makes us appreciate the positives and the good things that we do have. Although we have never met in person yet, I always value our online conversations and the friendship that has developed from them. Always thinking of you, big luv, jac xoxo
My recent post Wardrobe Chaos With Aussie Curves – Boots!
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
When I first saw the title of your post, Olivia Newton John started singing in my head!

You are incredibly lucky to have so much support Trish, both IRL and online.

Thinking of you.

My recent post Searching for answers and they get stuck with….me
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
We all love you here, and you have certainly alot of support you have mentioned. One step at a time, you know we are thinking of you xo
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Your perspective on life is awesome. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you lovely. Anyone who crosses your path is blessed in one way or another. You continually help me readjust my thinking without even know it :D
My recent post I am not here
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Dearest Trish, feeling alone on this journey certainly would make it harder. Thankfully you do have loving support around you, just as you have so lovingly supported many. I think of you every day, and with every thought I send a loving, healing prayer. xxxxx
My recent post In the Haus of Madam V
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
BossyMummy's avatar

BossyMummy · 658 weeks ago

My heart breaks for that poor lady at your info session, to go through that feeling alone. It sounds like you have a lot of supporters. Love and prayers for you through this journey.
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
I loved reading this post tonight & seeing how you have listed the blessings of all those people who are supporting you in one way or another. Keep positive. Prayers are heard.
My recent post simple craft for kids
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
While I'm a relative latecomer to your blog, I was still touched by your story and check in to see how you are going and hope that things are going as well as they can. You seem to have a good support network and I'm glad that you are able to draw strength from it. :)
My recent post Wordless Wednesdays: Sweet coffee
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
I have been thinking about you, Trish. Breast cancer occurs frequently in my family and yes, support networks are vital. I am so glad that you have a great network of people around you.

Much love

A x
My recent post Wordless Wednesday
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Awww...ummm Trish...we have met!! Once! Last year remember? Would love to see again though. Hopefully soon. xx And hopefully someone has helped you with those dark nail polish. I admit, it's really hard to get it right - even I can't do it!
My recent post Saturday Shopping: Ideas for Bridal Showers & Hen’s Parties
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
I'm glad you have support, and that your friends are PRESENT. It can be hard sometimes as a supporter to know what to say or do, and so it's easier to say or do nothing, sadly. I hope you path is smooth and positive, and that healing and closure comes quickly x
My recent post a little gift.
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Oh Trish, I'm sorry I haven't been more supportive tweeting or facebooking. I am guilty of being absorbed by my own world.
I do pray though.

It's horrible the things that people have to endure on top of cancer. My brother in laws first marriage fell a part whilst he was having chemo for testicular cancer. His wife was having an affair with another woman.
It makes you wonder what goes through people's heads sometimes!
My recent post It’s Better to Give Than Recieve
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
It's a horrible thing to go through, you are lucky to have so much love around you. It's would be so hard for the people that don't. Rachel x
My recent post The Olympic package
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Much love from us all. You are definitely in the thoughts and prayers of a lot more people...
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1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Draw strength from whereever you may Trish. The words of that sound have always resounded with me. xxx
My recent post How to NOT sell me a used car!
1 reply · active 658 weeks ago
Thinking about you trish, I hope the support of these dear friends help support you through and remember we are all here too xxxx
Gosh, I just want to say Thankyou to you, I've not long found your blog and you are such a tower of strength and inspiration. I'm so glad that you have such good support , I can't even begin to imagine what the journey would be like without people to lean on and help you smile and feel loved. I'm heading for a mammogram and ultrasound next week and have drawn strength from your blog, so know that in a way you are very much a support to others too :)
My recent post I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane
I'm glad we can all help through messages of support, though how hard it must be we cannot truly know. I'm so sad for those other women who don't have that support. I guess when we talk about cancer, we never think of anyone going through it alone (an awful thought). Keep your chin up Trish and put yourself first (it's not selfish in this case)!
My recent post Marilyn Monroe - Every Woman
I'm so glad I can help,even in a mall way

Hugs xxxxxxxxxx
I'm thinking of and praying for you from the ark. Hubbies are the bomb!
My recent post How I Won Gold

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